Our Services

Recordkeeping Control Tools

Streamlining information and data complexities

Whether you’re experiencing rapid growth or building sustainable practices into your organisation, the management of information and data can result in a wide range of complexities. At Recordkeeping Innovation, we address these complexities through our comprehensive Recordkeeping Control Tools to deliver metadata-driven tools, backed by our decades of industry-leading expertise and cross-industry applications. These tools are system independent, designed to deliver recordkeeping capability into any system.

Business Classification Schemes

A robust business classification scheme is at the heart of efficient recordkeeping. We design business classification schemes that comprehensively categorise and structure your organisational information, streamlining accessibility, management, storage, and security. This tailored process is driven by your unique business context and objectives, empowering your team to maintain consistent records management in alignment with your functional responsibilities.


Recordkeeping Innovation specialises in the development of custom taxonomies that enable clarity and understanding, creating more accessibility and value in your data. Through our integration of your business-specific language, workflows, and knowledge domains, we deliver robust taxonomies that enable more efficiency and security as information and data is moved and managed.

Metadata Schema

While some individuals are driven by analytics, that’s not the case for all. Our Metadata Schema provides every employee and stakeholder with necessary context that transforms your information and data from unmanageable to understandable, comprehensive, searchable, and insightful. We design Metadata Schemas that create standardised information about digital records. Digital records need metadata schemes to protect fragile data, be understood by end users, and making records meaningful, accessible and findable. This must be achieved while protecting the integrity and longevity of the information assets. Metadata schemes are essential for data migration and to allow interoperability between IT systems, positioning metadata management as an important tool for digital preservation.

Records Retention and Disposal Rules

Knowing what must be kept, how long it’s required to be kept, and when to dispose of it is a crucial aspect of managing information, data and key recordkeeping metadata, having direct impacts on your business’s legal and regulatory compliance. We work to establish clear records retention and disposal rules that meet relevant industry regulations, mitigate the risk of over retention (particularly of personal data), reduce risk exposure, and enable the efficient use of information resources. Our expert guidance means you’ll retain valuable information without the overload of redundant records and data, streamlining your efforts and ensuring the ongoing viability of information assets.

Dedicated to your recordkeeping success

At Recordkeeping Innovation, you’ll find a partner who’s dedicated to the success of your recordkeeping and information management practices. With control tools that are uniquely designed to integrate holistically into your operations, we build robust foundations that protect your invaluable information assets for years to come.