Independent Planning Commission

Facing complex challenges, the Independent Planning Commission streamlined its decision-making process through Recordkeeping Innovation's development of a tailored records management system and focused staff training, significantly enhancing operational transparency and accountability.


The Independent Planning Commission (IPC) is responsible for making independent decisions regarding state significant development applications in circumstances of controversy, community opposition or local council objection. To support transparency and accountability of operations, IPC sought the services of RKIC to support broader uplift of information management practices.

As part of this project, RKIC undertook a review of current information and records management practices, and developed a 3-year roadmap for information management improvements. In addition to this review, RKIC also undertook:

  • Development of a business classification scheme to support consistency in storage and management of records.
  • Development of a range of information management guidelines to support improved creation, capture, naming and management of records.
  • Implementation of the business classification scheme in the Teams environment, and migration of existing Teams content into the new structure 
  • Development of training videos to support adoption of changes in information management behaviours.
  • Provision of ongoing implementation support and advice 

To support development and rollout of deliverables, RKIC engaged with stakeholders across the organisation to understand business processes, systems and barriers to effective management of information. Based on stakeholder interviews, we assessed overall records management performance against the NSW State Records Authority Records Management Maturity Assessment Tool.  

The assessment outcome provided a basis for recommendations and an implementation strategy to drive information management improvement initiatives scheduled over a three-year period. The interviews and documentation provided by IPC also enabled us to produce an IPC specific business classification scheme (BCS). 

RKIC also developed configuration and implementation guidance for the new BCS, and training materials to support implementation of improved information management practices. 


  • Upskill staff and support sharing of knowledge regarding records management obligations 
  • Implement eLearning modules to support ongoing staff training 

Our Role

  • Conduct discovery interviews with stakeholders across the organisation to identify systems, information assets and areas for improvement.
  • Provide an IPC Information Management Current State Assessment to describe current practice, outline issues and risks and recommend practical steps for improvement.
  • Produce an Implementation Plan for recommended actions.
  • Build IPC business classification scheme.
  • Provide information management training for staff.

Client Outcomes

  • Clear understanding of organisation wide information management maturity level  
  • Awareness of specific risks and impediments to business effectiveness at executive level 
  • Informed basis for prioritising and resourcing initiatives for improvements to information management  
  • Increased awareness of the principles and benefits of information management and resources to support staff to adhere to good information management practices.

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